Eileen Too
Vessel numberHV000219
Sail NumberBlue Oval with White E
W Hargreaves
DimensionsVessel Dimensions: 3.66 m x 3.66 m x 1.3 m (12 ft x 12 ft x 4.25 ft)
- Thorpe 12-Foot Training Dinghy
- timber
- monohull
- plumb stem
- plumb transom
- chines
- vee-bottom
- dagger board
- transom rudder
- cat rig
- gunter
- cotton
- on public display
- 12-foot skiff
- Queensland
- original hull
- partially restored hull
- original rigging
- partially restored sails
- sport/recreation
- construction
- construction/repair
- materials used
- methods used
The Queensland Trainer class was created in the early 1930s by Brisbane sailor R 'Nip' Thorpe and its correct name may be open to interpretation, with other references calling it the Trainee Dinghy. Before this there were a number of similar sized training boats used by clubs and families around Brisbane, but they were not linked in any formal class or association. Thorpe established a set of simple restrictions around some of the characteristics common to these craft to create a single class of similar dinghies. The restrictions covered maximum and minimum dimensions, hull shape, construction and rig. It is 3.65m (12 ft) long, cat-rigged with a gunter mainsail, spinnaker and shallow vee-bottom cross-section throughout. The hull was designed to be simply built, with cross-planked bottom planking and each side made of a single plank of hoop pine. Plywood was expressly prohibited, as noted in a set of 1943 specifications. These rules also show a restriction applied to the paint scheme - "RED bottom, WHITE hull, inside of hull optional."
The dinghy became an introductory class for young sailors, prior to graduating to the more powerful skiffs and unlimited sharpies. When 'Nip' Thorpe died in 1937, 'Nip Thorpe's Navy' numbered more than 40 boats. Trainee Dinghy rules were changed during the 1960s to allow plywood construction, and it was then that EILEEN TOO's planked bottom was removed and replaced by plywood, and buoyancy tanks were added.
It is not known when EILEEN TOO stopped racing, however it had always remained with the Hargreaves family, who donated it to the Queensland Maritime Museum . The boat was then taken to Toowoomba where the timber work and internal layout was restored as close as possible to its original configuration by Colin Johnston. Upon returning to Brisbane the rigging was restored by Jack Hamilton and John Cuneo.
Prepared from research material supplied by Queensland Maritime Museum
SignificanceEILEEN TOO is a sailing dinghy built in Queensland in 1939. It is thought to be one of the few remaining early examples of the Queensland training dinghy created in the early 1930s by Brisbane sailor R 'Nip' Thorpe and later known as the Thorpe Trainer, however some of its structural changes represent the evolution of the class from planked to plywood construction. EILEEN TOO remained with the same family until being donated to the Queensland Maritime Museum around 2000.