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LYNWOOD II has well proportioned lines and retains almost all of its original material.
Lynwood II
LYNWOOD II has well proportioned lines and retains almost all of its original material.
LYNWOOD II has well proportioned lines and retains almost all of its original material.
Private Collection

Lynwood II

Vessel numberHV000228
Vessel Registration NumberLord Howe Is.
Datec 1901
DimensionsVessel Dimensions: 3.66 m x 3.5 m x 1.35 m x 0.2 m (12.01 ft x 11.48 ft x 4.43 ft x 0.66 ft)
DescriptionLYNWOOD II is a double-ended lapstrake dinghy about 3.66 metres (12 feet) long, built with typical tradesman's methods and layout for a small rowing vessel. It weighs 69 kgs and appears to have enough space to seat about four people. There are three thwarts, light framing and two stringers on each side. Whilst the construction appears light, the detailing of the structure including the planking line-out, structural joints and fastenings gives the impression that it was well built by someone who knew their trade.

LYNWOOD II's origins are not well documented, and rely on the story recounted by owner Richard Tosswill who took the boat from Lord Howe Island to New Zealand in 1973. Tosswill was visiting the island and found the delicate craft abandoned on shore. He was attracted to its shape and workmanship. After enquiries Tosswill was able to buy the boat from Ilma Sainsbury, the niece of its original owner on the island, Ernie Nichols, who had passed away. All she knew of its earlier history was that it had been built by Mr. Pelquest in Sydney, who had worked for a ferry company in Sydney as a foreman, and had no recollection of how it came to the island. Tosswill also thought it may have been built for one of the senior administrators on the island.

Clive Wilson, a long time resident of Lord Howe Island, recalls fishing from it many times in the lagoon as a child with Ernie Nichols, another long-time resident. Ernie thought the craft may have come to the island in the 1920s. Wilson also recalled that Ernie built another boat like it, called LYNWOOD III, but it was never as good as the original. The name LYNWOOD comes from a property on Lord Howe Island.

The hull shape is similar to that seen on a number of ferry lifeboats, but it has relatively slack bilges and therefore does not have a great deal of stability. A connection with Sydney ferries is suggested by the boat having lifting eyes built in to the stem and stern frames at either end, which would suit a bridle or other arrangement for it to swing from davits aboard a vessel. Images of early ferries show a number of clinker lifeboats on the upper deck, which share the same double-ended shape. Enquiries have also confirmed that a Fred Pelquest was a shipwright living in North Sydney in the early 1900s, but nothing has been found to confirm a link between Pelquest and any ferry company.

Tosswill took the dinghy home to Auckland in 1973 on his yacht, and later, in 1977 sold it to its current owner. He has stabilised the structure of the vessel and is considering how best to restore the craft to retain its original integrity.

SignificanceLYNWOOD II is a small clinker dinghy believed to have been built in the early 1900s in Sydney NSW. It is thought to have been used aboard one of the Sydney Harbour ferries in the early 1900s and also had a close association with one of Lord Howe Island's main families from the 1920s to the 1970s. It represents a typical shipwright’s workmanship for that type of craft.
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