Little Dirk
Vessel numberHV000008
Vessel type
Pearling Luggers
Robin Gourley
Robin Gourley
DimensionsVessel Dimensions: 8.89 m x 8.75 m x 2.88 m x 0.72 m (29.2 ft x 28.7 ft x 9.4 ft x 2.4 ft)
- timber
- carvel
- timber planked
- displacement
- monohull
- plumb stem
- canoe stern/double ended
- round bottom
- full keel
- transom rudder
- open/foredeck
- cutter
- gaff
- timber
- inboard
- non-floating
- non-operational
- on public display
- photos
- plans
- tiller
- pearling lugger
- Carnarvon
- original deck
- substantial modified gearbox
- paritally modified layout
- partially modified shaft
- partially restored rigging
- local/community
- type/use
- construction
- designer
- builder
- construction/repair
Vessel Highlights
The pearl shelling industry in WA was one of the most significant early industries in the region, and was largely centered around Broome as a base for the pearl fields offshore. However another source of pearl shell was the shallow area in Shark Bay, further south of Broome. The craft used in this area were shallow draft, single masted and smaller vessels than the offshore capable craft working out of Broome. Although not designed to be a pearl sheller, LITTLE DIRK's size was ideal for the work and it was similar to other craft working the fields in Shark Bay.
In this region they dredged the bottom for shell, and sorted the material from the mud and other debris that came up in each load.
When it was no longer required for pearling the craft found other uses in the same area of Western Australia and was at one time converted to a motor launch for private owners. In 2013 LITTLE DIRK was being stabilized and undergoing a gradual restoration project overseen by the Carnarvon Heritage Group.
SignificanceLITTLE DIRK is pearl shelling lugger built by Robin Gourley in Western Australia in 1927. It was used in the pearling industry in the Shark Bay region of Western Australia. It is one of the few craft surviving from that area where the conditions are relatively sheltered and shallow compared to the deeper fields off the Broome coastline, and they dredge for the shell rather than dive. It also a one of the few craft surviving from the builder Robin Gourley.