Vessel numberHV000117
Vessel Registration Number3349QD
Hansen and Collis
Hansen and Collis
Vessel type
Pearling Luggers
DimensionsVessel Dimensions: 15.85 m x 15.24 m x 3.96 m x 1.98 m (52 ft x 50 ft x 13 ft x 6.5 ft)
- substantially restored hull
- substantially restored deck
- substantially modified deck
- substantially modified superstructure
- substantially modified layout
- partially modified rigging
- partially restored gearbox
- partially restored shaft
- ketch
- pearling lugger
- excursion vessel
- Airlie Beach
- timber
- carvel
- timber planked
- timber planked
- monohull
- overhanging stem
- overhanging transom
- displacement
- round bottom
- full keel
- keel hung rudder
- cabin
- internal
- wheelhouse
- wheel
- ketch
- synthetic
- timber
- motor vessel
- inboard
- diesel
- single
- operational
- outside
- photos
- references
- industry/commerce
- fishing
- designer
- builder
- materials used
Vessel Highlights
It was used in the pearling industry around Thursday Island as well as for collecting trochus shell. It has since been retired form this type of work to become a charter boat.
The 15.85 metre long hull has a transom stern and is a typical carvel construction, using all Queensland timbers. Along with many of the later Queensland luggers MARGHERITA still retains a modest-sized sailing rig.
SignificanceMARGHERITA is a wooden pearling lugger built in North Queensland in 1955. It was one of the last of the Thursday Island or Torres Strait type of pearling lugger, a variant that dates back to the 1890s, and represents the last period of construction for this style of pearling lugger.