Vessel numberHV000538
Previous owner
Numba Council
John Hawken
Previous owner
South Shoalhaven City Council
Vessel type
Flood boats
DimensionsVessel Dimensions: 7.31 m x 1.92 m (24 ft x 6.3 ft)
Vessel Highlights
Both were mounted on wooden trailers including timber wheels and axles, so that they could be towed by draught horse from their shed when needed. NOAH was housed on the northern bank at Bolong; SHOALHAVEN was housed on the southern bank at Numba. In 1910 both craft were moved to new locations nearby when Coolangatta Estate was wound up, and NOAH became the responsibility of the Berry Municipal Council, while SHOALHAVEN was under the South Shoalhaven Municipal Councils’ authority.
There are no particular reports of their use over this period, and during wartime in 1942 they were noted to be in good condition, but would be destroyed in the event of an enemy invasion. In 1946 SHOALHAVEN was used to help sink piles for the Numba swimming baths, then no more is heard of either craft.
It appears they were then left in their sheds and forgotten until the mid-1960s when a display of historic and antique items was put on in Nowra by the Rotary Club and Country Women’s Association at the Nowra School of Arts. SHOALHAVEN went on display having been rediscovered locked away in its shed.
In 1969 Shoalhaven Historical Society members inspected both NOAH and SHOALHAVEN, and found both to be in good condition, with SHOALHAVEN needing the least work to repair. Both craft were restored in 1970. SHOALHAVEN was used on the river during bicentennial celebrations where it was used to re-enact the landing by Captain Cook at Botany Bay, which was staged on Grey’s Beach on the river front. It was manned by local surf club crew.
SHOALHAVEN went on display in 1971 at Moorehouse Park just west of the bridge over the river in Nowra. In the mid-1990s it was taken out of its open air pavilion after being damaged on many occasions by vandals. In 1998 it was restored by Dennis Hodge, but was not put back on display. It is currently owned by the Shoalhaven City Council and stored on its wooden trailer and under a canvas cover at the Nowra SES headquarters. NOAH has been housed with the Berry Museum since 1985, and remains in good condition.
SignificanceSHOALHAVEN is one of two flood boats built in 1889 by John Hawken in the Shoalhaven district on the south coast of NSW. Well known landowner David Berry sponsored their construction as a gesture to the community. The other vessel NOAH remains extant as well and both remain in the Shoalhaven district. The two craft were housed on the Shoalhaven River for decades until the mid-1960s. They were then passed into the care of the Shoalhaven Historical Society. SHOALHAVEN was restored and put in an outside display but eventually removed after being vandalised. It had since been repaired again but is not on display.
c 1934